Diploma in Business Administration

Entry Requirement

Course Modules

Semester 1 

  • Business English
  • Introduction to Business and Business Planning
  • ICT for Business
  • Organizational Behavior

Semester 2

  • Introduction to Business Statistics
  • Managerial Economics
  • Business Negotiating
  • Marketing Management

Course Fee

“Monthly Fees : MVR 1,880/-

 Admission Fees : MVR 500/-

Course Description

The course is so designed as to develop: Entrepreneurial traits and motivation as well as the spirit of enterprise;
Decision- making capabilities required to set up a business venture;
Expertise to successfully manage an enterprise.
The programme inputs are both functional and developmental.
It covers areas like: business opportunity identification and guidance, market assessment, project report preparation,
small business management and sources of assistance to facilitate the learner in implementing the business.

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