Bachelor of Teaching Islamic Studies

Entry Requirement

Course Modules

  1. Educational psychology

  2. Assessment and evaluation

  3. Teaching and learning strategies

  4. Maldivian language and culture in time

  5. Biography of the Prophet 1

  6. Prophet’s tradition (general hadith 01)

  7. Islamic credo 01

  8. Islamic jurisprudence 01 (fiqh 01)

  9. Teaching practicum

  1. Exegesis on the Ayaat of Legislature in the Holy Quran

  2. Principles of Islamic jurisprudence i (Usool Fiqh i)

  3. Islamic criminal law

  4. Exegesis on the traditions of legislature in the sunnah

  5. Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh)

  6. Curriculum studies and classroom practice

  7. Educational sociology

  8. Islamic family law

  1. Islamic law of inheritance (Al-Faraa’id)

  2. Contemporary Fiqh issues (Qadaya Fiqhiya)

  3. Research methods

  4. Human rights in Islam

  5. Islamic history and civilization: knowledge, power and politics

  6. ICT skills for teaching and learning

  7. Teaching practicum II

Course Fee

MVR 3,750 per month x 36 months
(MVR 2,308 per month under the government free degree scheme)

Course Description

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