BA (HONS) International Business Management (TOP-UP)

Entry Requirement

Course Modules

  1. Business Project

  2. Business Project in Theory

  3. Enterprise Project

(Students must take 30 credits within this compulsory module group.

The Enterprise Project (UMCD9Q-30-3) modules is a barred combination with both the Business Project in Theory (UMCDVE-15-3) and the Business Project (UMCDVF-15-3) modules.

The Business Project in Theory (UMCDVE-15-3) module is a co-requisite to the Business Project (UMCDVF-15-3) module. All projects must be in the field of international business.)

  1. Academic and Professional Development

  2. Business Strategy

  3. Integrated Business Management Simulation

  4. Managing Organizational Change

  5. Multinationals in the Domestic and

  • Doing Business in Asia

  • International Human Resource Management

  • International Marketing Communications

  • The Economics of Developing Countries

  • Virtual Business

Course Fee

MVR 4,675 per month x 12 months
(MVR 2834 per month under government free degree scheme)

Course Description

This programme offers students a flexible, contemporary, and integrated business and management education covering key disciplines and operational areas of business with a specific focus on the international dimensions of business and management. The curriculum aims to challenge students in their ways of thinking, behaving, and learning, covering critical business issues of change and complexity, ethics and ethical decision-making, sustainability and global citizenship within their disciplinary context. Student learning is grounded in the external context wherever appropriate through, for example, external speakers, assessment that provides opportunities for students to test out concepts in practice and incorporation of reflections on own experience of organisations.

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