Advanced Diploma in Teaching (Teaching English to speakers of other languages)

Entry Requirement

Course Modules

  • Maldivian Culture & Language in Time 
  • Educational Psychology
  • ICT Skills for Teaching & Learning
  • Teaching & Learning Strategies
  • English Language for Teachers
  • Introduction to Linguistics
  • Phonetics and Phonology 
  • Morphology and Syntax
  • Islamic Studies 
  • Curriculum Studies 
  • Educational Sociology 
  • Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation 
  • Introduction to ELT 
  • Introduction to Sociolinguistics 
  • Methodology in Language Teaching I 
  • School Experience

Course Fee

MVR 3,450 (Per Month)

Course Description

This programme is designed to prepare professional teachers, researchers and curriculum developers in the area of teaching English as a foreign/second language. The programme incorporates and models communicative language teaching and promotes a reflective model of teaching, giving attention to student diversity.

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