Advanced Diploma in Midwifery

Entry Requirement

Course Modules

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Nursing Principles & Practices 1A
  • Nursing Principles & Practices 1B
  • Communication for Nurses
  • Community Health Nursing I
  • Paediatric Nursing I
  • Paediatric Nursing Practice I
  • Medical and Surgical Nursing 1
  • Medical and Surgical Nursing Practice I
  • Parmacology for Nurses
  • Anatomy & Physiology II
  • Microbiology for Nursing
  • Nursing Principles & Practices IIA
  • Nursing Principles & Practices IIB
  • Paediatric Nursing II
  • Paediatric Nursing Practice II
  • Medical and Surgical
  • Nursing Studies II
  • Medical & Surgical Nursing Pr II
  • Medical and Surgical Nursing Practical III
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Community Health Nursing II
  • Nursing Leadership and Management
  • Nursing Leadership and Management Practice
  • Reproductive Health Nursing
  • Reproductive Health Nursing Practice
  • Care of Neonate
  • Midwifery Theory
  • Midwifery Practicum I
  • Midwifery Practicum II
  • Ethical & LegaI Issues in Nursing

Course Fee

Semester 1: 3658/-
Semester 2: 2628/-
Semester 3: 4655/-
Semester 4: 2490/-
Semester 5: 2806/-
Semester 6: 4500/-

Course Description

Advanced Diploma in Midwifery program provide opportunities for nurses upgrade their qualification to become skillful midwives who are important members of the health care team. They learn to provide safe, effective and comprehensive care to mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal period. They will be able to demonstrate the abilities in critical thinking and identify best practice in providing midwifery care

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Advanced Diploma in Midwifery