Bachelor of Teaching Secondary

Entry Requirement

Course Modules

Semester 1 

  • Curriculum Studies
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Accounting I / Business Studies I / Economics I / Physics I / Computer Studies I / Health & Physical Education I/ Social Studies I (Any 1)

Semester 2 

  • Sociology of Education
  • Teaching Practicum I
  • Accounting II / Business Studies II / Economics II / Physics II / Computer Studies II/Health & Physical Education II/ Social Studies II (Any 1)

Semester 3 (year 2)

  • Classroom Management
  • ICT for Teachers
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Accounting I / Teaching & Learning Business Studies I / Teaching & Learning Economics I / Teaching & Learning Physics I / Teaching & Learning Computer Studies I / Teaching & Learning Health & Physical Education I / Teaching & Learning Social Studies I (Any 1)

Semester 4 (year 2)

  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Teaching Practicum II
  • Accounting III / Business Studies III / Economics III/ Physics III / Computer Studies III / Health & Physical Education III/ Social Studies III (Any 1)

Semester 5 (year 3)

  • Educational Psychology
  • English for Teachers
  • Accounting IV / Business Studies IV/ Economics IV/ Physics IV / Computer Studies IV / /Health & Physical Education IV/ Social Studies IV (Any 1)

Semester 6 (year 3)

  • Special Needs Education
  • Teaching Practicum III
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Accounting II / Teaching & Learning Business Studies II / Teaching & Learning Economics II / Teaching & Learning Physics II / Teaching & Learning Computer Studies II / Teaching & Learning Health & Physical Education II / Teaching & Learning Social Studies II (Any 1)

Course Fee



Admission fee: MVR 500

Fee per month: MVR 1,880/- (Government Free Degree Rate MVR 1442/-)



Admission fee: MVR 500

Fee per month: MVR 1,880/- Government Free Degree Rate MVR 1442/-)



Admission fee: MVR 500

Fee per month: MVR 1,880/- Government Free Degree Rate MVR 1442/-)

Course Description

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor’s Degree Course the graduates will develop the necessary content and skills needed to be effective teachers.

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